Use of grid resources has been free so far and a trend is developing to charge the users. The challenges that characterize a grid resource pricing model include the dynamic ability of the model to provide a high satisfaction guarantee measured as Quality of Service (QoS) -from users perspectives, profitability constraints -from the grid operator perspectives, and the ability to orchestrate grid resources for their availability on-demand. In this study, we design, develop, and simulate a grid resources pricing model that balances these constraints. We employ financial option theory and treat the grid resources as real assets to capture the realistic value of the grid compute commodities. We then price the grid resources by solving the finance model. We discuss the results on pricing of compute cycles based on the actual data of grid usage pattern obtained from the WestGrid and the SHARCNET. We extend and generalize our study to any computational grid.
Background/IntroductionOver the years, there has been an upsurge in the development and applications of resources-intensive computations such as the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence at home (SETI@Home). The consequence is the emergence of a massively parallel resource-intensive computational facility -the computational grid (Grid computing). Research efforts have focused mostly on security related issues [15] and middleware/infrastructure-based issues [16]. Since grid resources usage has been free, there are only few efforts reported in the literature that develop models to price grid resources.Grid resources pricing is a challenging task when viewed as a generic pricing problem. In a grid system for example, the resources exist as non-storable commodities and are distributed across wide geographical regions, ownership is by dissimilar organization whose rights and polices are diverse. To price the grid resources, we assume that the grid compute commodities (gcc) are real assets. The gccs include CPU cycles, memory, network bandwidths, throughput, computing power, disks, processor, and various measurements, instrumentation tools. Since gccs are transient at t 0 , t 1 , · · · , t n , their availability (α) for usage fluctuates between "now" (t n|n=0 ) and "later" (t n > 0| t n =1 ) (option to wait) which accounts for uncertainty (ũ) where gcc : α → [0, · · · , 1]. The flexibility attributes of the gccs afford the applicability of real option defined in a fuzzy domain [0, · · · , 1] (also called membership function) [6].Real option theory provides a mechanism for valuating investment opportunities in situations where the cash flows are not deterministic. Real options can be applied when quantifying the accrued gains from prototyping a product as well as in managerial flexibility. Several of these gains can be hard to quantify [12] and as a result, a comparison of alternative opportunities becomes even harder if the managerial flexibility vary across the opportunities. Given that certain factors such as environmental and economics are inevitable, traditional val...