Future automotive applications ranging from advanced driver assistance to autonomous driving will largely increase demands on in-vehicular networks. Data flows of high bandwidth or low latency requirements, but in particular many additional communication relations will introduce a new level of complexity to the in-car communication system. It is expected that future communication backbones which interconnect sensors and actuators with Electronic Control Units (ECUs) in cars will be built on Ethernet technologies. However, signalling from different application domains demands for network services of tailored attributes, including real-time transmission protocols as defined in the Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) Ethernet extensions. These Quality of Service (QoS) constraints will increase network complexity even further. Event-based simulation is a key technology to master the challenges of an in-car network design. This chapter introduces the domainspecific aspects and simulation models for in-vehicular networks and presents an overview of the car-centric network design process. Starting from a domain specific description language, we cover the corresponding simulation models with their workflows and apply our approach to a related case study for an in-car network of a premium car.The automotive market is growing in demand for innovative driver assistance systems, as well as highly automated or even autonomous driving units. In-vehicular communication networks that connect sensors and actuators with Electronic Control Units (ECUs) contribute the basis to these distributed, safety-critical, and highly complex systems. Consequently, their architecture and design are playing an increasingly important role. As of today, in-car communication concepts fall short in meeting the emerging requirements of future driving systems.High bandwidth demands from distributed visual sensors-the raw data fusion of laser scanners and cameras for example-exceed the capacities of current data transmission systems by more than an order of magnitude. For example a low resolution camera stream of 7 Mbit/s already exceeds CAN's 0.5 Mbit/s 14 times. An increasing number of vehicular safety functions pose strict redundancy or quality of service requirements such as latency and jitter. With respect to this growing heterogeneity, current automotive communication architectures and technologies reach their limits. With timing and bandwidth aspects in mind, communication techniques that provide a wide range of real-time communication services are needed. Due to its high data capacities, its low cost of commodity components, and its large flexibility in terms of protocols and topologies, switched Ethernet is a promising candidate to overcome the challenges of future in-car networks [15].Communication architectures of today's vehicles are composed of different domainspecific technologies such as Controller Area Network (CAN), FlexRay, Local Interconnect Network (LIN), and Media Oriented Systems Transport (MOST) [19]. Crossdomain communication is ena...