Purpose:To assist the pharmacy clinician engaged in nutrition support in staying current with the most pertinent literature. Methods: Several experienced board-certified clinical pharmacists engaged in nutrition support therapy compiled a list of articles published in 2014 and 2015 that they considered to be important to their practice. Only those articles available in print format were considered for potential inclusion. Articles available only in preprint electronic format were not evaluated. The citation list was compiled into a single spreadsheet where the author participants were asked to ascertain whether they considered the paper important to nutrition support pharmacy practice. A culled list of publications was then identified whereby the majority of author participants (at least 5 out of 8) considered the paper to be important. Results: A total of 108 articles were identified; 36 of which were considered to be of high importance. An important guideline article published in early 2016, but not ranked, was also included. The top-ranked articles from the primary literature were reviewed. Conclusion: It is recommended that the informed pharmacist, who is engaged in nutrition support therapy, be familiar with the majority of these articles. 2016;51:539-552 S taying current with the literature is a requirement for the informed pharmacist who maintains an evidence-based clinical practice. This requirement has become more challenging to fulfill as a paradigm shift has changed the practice culture of a full-time pharmacy nutrition support specialist to a more integrated model whereby the clinical pharmacist provides pharmacotherapy services along with nutrition support responsibilities. As a result of this change, informed clinicians are responsible for staying abreast of numerous therapeutic areas that interface with their clinical practice in addition to nutrition support therapy. Because nutrition support therapy is integrated with many divergent specialized fields (eg,
Key Words-consensus, enteral nutrition, guidelines, outcomes, parenteral nutrition
Hosp Pharm