The lack of shared perspective, techniques and notations between the disciplines of Software Engineering and Human–Computer Interaction creates challenges for practice as well as teaching in information systems development. In this article, we argue that the ‘gaps’ between the two disciplines are caused not only by different language and concepts but also by differences in the disciplines' basic assumptions, goals and theories. Reconciling these differences through common notations, techniques or life cycles will therefore require considerable effort and provide only dubious benefits. Instead we propose, using our own teaching as an example, that a reasonable way forward is to teach the two disciplines as separate subjects while at the same time emphasizing their mutual dependencies and meeting points in practical systems development—in theory as well as in practice. Results from applying this approach during a second‐year undergraduate program are presented, and ideas for further separation and coordination of HCI/SE in university‐level courses are discussed. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.