We construct the Λ-adic de Rham analogue of Hida's ordinary Λ-adicétale cohomology and of Ohta's Λ-adic Hodge cohomology, and by exploiting the geometry of integral models of modular curves over the cyclotomic extension of Qp, we give a purely geometric proof of the expected finiteness, control, and Λ-adic duality theorems. Following Ohta, we then prove that our Λ-adic module of differentials is canonically isomorphic to the space of ordinary Λ-adic cuspforms. In the sequel [Cai14] to this paper, we construct the crystalline counterpart to Hida's ordinary Λ-adicétale cohomology, and employ integral p-adic Hodge theory to prove Λ-adic comparison isomorphisms between all of these cohomologies. As applications of our work in this paper and [Cai14], we will be able to provide a "cohomological" construction of the family of (ϕ, Γ)-modules attached to Hida's ordinary Λ-adicétale cohomology by [Dee01], as well as a new and purely geometric proof of Hida's finitenes and control theorems. We are also able to prove refinements of the main theorems in [MW86] and [Oht95].