This article presents the design and analysis of a high‐gain rectangular slot antenna with an operating band (intersection between the −10 dB impedance band and the 3 dB gain band) of 6–10 GHz with peak gain of ~12 dBi. To achieve this, an offset fed slot antenna is loaded with two pairs of conducting sheets—a reflector‐superstrate pair, and a pair of side sheets. The offset feeding of the slot provides wideband bidirectional radiation; subsequent reflector‐superstrate loading enables directional beam with higher gain and wider impedance bandwidth, and finally, the side sheet loading equalizes the gain over frequency band, resulting in a wider operating 3 dB gain‐band. The optimized antenna has size 2.28 λ0 × 1.34 λ0 × 0.46 λ0 at the mid‐band frequency which in measurement provides a 3 dB gain‐band of 6.03–9.77 GHz (47.34%) with 12.04 dBi peak gain, verifying the simulation. This wide gain‐band antenna is superior to existing wideband‐high‐gain antennas as it provides high‐peak gain and wide gain‐band, which is more than 90% of the impedance band.