The use of pincer ligands to access non-VSEPR geometries at main-groupc enters is an emerging strategy for elicitingn ew stoichiometric and catalytic reactivity.A sp art of this effort, severald ifferent tridentatet rianionic substituents have to dateb een employed at ar ange of different centrale lements, providing ap atchworkd ataset that precludes rigorouss tructure-function correlation.A na nalysis of periodic trendsi ns tructure (solid, solution, and computation), bonding, and reactivity based on systematic variation of the central element( P, As, Sb, or Bi)w ith retentiono fa single tridentate triamides ubstituent is reported herein. In this homologous series, the centrale lement can adopt either ab ent or planar geometry.T he tendency to adopt planarg eometries increases descending the group with the phosphorus triamide( 1)a nd its arsenic congener (2)e xhibiting bent conformations,a nd the antimony (3)a nd bismuth (4)a naloguese xhibiting ap redominantly planar structure in solution.T his trend has been rationalized using an energy decomposition analysis. Ar arep hase-dependent dynamic covalentd imerizationw as observed for 3 and the associated thermodynamic parameters were establishedq uantitatively. Planarg eometries were found to engender lower LUMO energiesa nd smaller band gaps than bent ones, resulting in different reactivity patterns.T hese results provide ab enchmark dataset to guidef urtherr esearchi nt his rapidlye merging area.