Joint inversions of two or more geophysical data sets are becoming common practice for imaging the Earth's interior and elucidating the physical state of the planet. When the inverted data sets have complementary sensitivities to the properties of interest, joint inversions significantly reduce the ambiguity inherent in single-data set inversions, achieve more stable solutions, increase identifiability of features and enhance model resolution. Perhaps more importantly, certain properties of the Earth's interior can only be revealed by combining observations from different techniques. An example is the bulk composition of the lithospheric mantle, which requires independent constrains on the bulk density (e.g., from gravity data sets) and shear-wave velocity (e.g., from surface-wave data). Recent discussions on the benefits and limitations of joint approaches for imaging the structure of the lithosphere and upper mantle can be found in, for example, Khan et al. (2006); Afonso, Fullea, Griffin,