In electricity market with a deregulation withmany times will become difficult for dispatchingpower, whichis obtained with thepower congestion in transmission lines due to flow of power in buses. To reduce the flow of power in buses and system loss in lines which are heavily loaded, toimproveloadability and system stability for which an Interline Power Flow Controller used. In this article, Disparity Utilization Factor for Line is utilized with the optimal tuning and placement with Gravitational Search Algorithm IPFC hinged transmission lines for power congestion. The rankingof transmission lines by line congestion in terms of relative DLUF. According to the IPFC placementwith the essentialminimum congested, weakline connected to the same bus in the congested distribution network. IPFC optimal Sizing is carried with Gravitational Search Algorithm. The multiobjective function is chosen for parameters tuning of IPFC. A suggested IEEE-30 bus test network is implemented by a graphical representation whichis considered in this study toreduce LUF in transmission lines with IPFC optimal placement. Bothactive power losses and reactive power losses in power systemare necessary to be minimized after every iterationof IPFC optimal tuning. The proposed tuning in this articlegives effectivenesswith the reduction in the values of power system with the objective functions.