There is general agreement that competition for resources results in a tradeoff between plant mass, M, and density, but the mathematical form of the resulting thinning relationship and the mechanisms that generate it are debated. Here, we evaluate two complementary models, one based on the space-filling properties of canopy geometry and the other on the metabolic basis of resource use. For densely packed stands, both models predict that density scales as M −3/4 , energy use as M 0 , and total biomass as M 1/4 . Compilation and analysis of data from 183 populations of herbaceous crop species, 473 stands of managed tree plantations, and 13 populations of bamboo gave four major results: (i) At low initial planting densities, crops grew at similar rates, did not come into contact, and attained similar mature sizes; (ii) at higher initial densities, crops grew until neighboring plants came into contact, growth ceased as a result of competition for limited resources, and a tradeoff between density and size resulted in critical density scaling as M −0.78 , total resource use as M −0.02 , and total biomass as M 0.22 ; (iii) these scaling exponents are very close to the predicted values of M −3/4 , M 0 , and M 1/4 , respectively, and significantly different from the exponents suggested by some earlier studies; and (iv) our data extend previously documented scaling relationships for trees in natural forests to small herbaceous annual crops. These results provide a quantitative, predictive framework with important implications for the basic and applied plant sciences.allometric scaling | energy equivalence | plant energetics | self-thinning T he structure and dynamics of plant populations and communities often reflect the interacting consequences of three fundamental processes: (i) competition for resources, (ii) the effect of body size on resource use, and (iii) the effect of plant density on growth and mortality (1-4). Two approaches traditionally have been used to study these interactions. One focuses on theoretical models and empirical measurements of abundance, spacing, survival, mortality, and recruitment as functions of plant size in relatively undisturbed natural populations and communities, especially forests (4-11), where the thinning process is complicated by effects of shading and other factors on asymmetries in resource supply and resulting growth and mortality rates (11-16). The second approach focuses on the structure and dynamics of plants in agricultural settings (17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22), where plants of nearly identical age grow under controlled conditions. Studies of such simplified agricultural systems have led to theoretical and empirical selfthinning relationships that characterize the temporal trajectory of decreasing population density as a function of increasing plant size as stands develop under conditions of resource limitation and competition (17)(18)(19). These exhibit a characteristic phenomenology in which plants grow with minimal mortality until they reach a size-dependent critical density, ...