We examine major sales of real property by public U.S. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) 1992-2002. We find that abnormal shareholder returns are significantly positive, a result that is consistent with findings for conventional firms that sell off real estate. Because REITs do not pay taxes, this finding supports the view that abnormal returns in real estate sell-offs by all types of firms are derived largely from asset allocation efficiencies and do not result exclusively from tax benefits. Shareholder returns are lower in sell-offs motivated by a desire to reduce long-term debt, as is consistent with financial theory regarding the information content of leverage decisions. Returns are inversely related to the firm's operating performance prior to the sell-off announcement, further supporting the case that improved asset efficiencies create value in real estate sell-offs.We study a sample of real estate property sell-offs 1992-2002, in which the seller is an Equity Real Estate Investment Trust (EREIT). We define a property sell-off as a transaction in which a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) sells one or more properties to the same buyer in the same transaction, when the total price is greater than $20 million. Sell-offs must be distinguished from liquidations or mergers. In a sell-off, the selling REIT continues to exist after the sale, with no clear plans to terminate operations in the foreseeable future.The last decade has been a decade of rapid growth for REITs. As a result, a substantial body of literature has developed analyzing transactions in which REITs obtain real assets. In contrast, the literature regarding transactions in which REITs dispose off property in sell-offs is very thin.We measure abnormal returns for these transactions, finding that announcement window returns are significantly positive. We test for wealth effects created by management's decision to apply sale proceeds to the reduction of longterm debt, and we find significant results different from results reported for conventional firms. We find that abnormal returns are inversely related to the firm's operating performance prior to the announcement. We also find that firms