“…However, his clinicopathological description was recorded as ameloblastic fibrosarcoma (for which Krompecher also presented a pathology report), and not ameloblastic carcinoma. Bakay 3 5 In 1916, Warthin 4 in the United States (remembered eponymously by Warthin tumor of the parotid gland) coined the English term "adamantinocarcinoma" to define ameloblastic carcinoma. Two years later, Krompecher 5 of Budapest, whose main interest has been basalzellenkrebs (he considered ameloblastoma to be a type of basal cell carcinoma), classified maligne adamantiome into sarkom kombinierten adamantinom (Pertik's tumor 2 ) and carcinoma adamantinum (Tapie's tumor 11 ) for the first time.…”