Abstract. We estimate the uncertainty of CO2 flux estimates in
atmospheric inversions stemming from differences between different global
transport models. Using a set of observing system simulation experiments
(OSSEs), we estimate this uncertainty as represented by the spread between
five different state-of-the-art global transport models (ACTM, LMDZ,
GEOS-Chem, PCTM and TM5), for both traditional in situ CO2 inversions
and inversions of XCO2 estimates from the Orbiting Carbon
Observatory 2 (OCO-2). We find that, in the absence of relative biases between
in situ CO2 and OCO-2 XCO2, OCO-2 estimates of terrestrial
flux for TRANSCOM-scale land regions can be more robust to transport model
differences than corresponding in situ CO2 inversions. This is
due to a combination of the increased spatial coverage of OCO-2 samples and
the total column nature of OCO-2 estimates. We separate the two effects by
constructing hypothetical in situ networks with the coverage of OCO-2 but
with only near-surface samples. We also find that the transport-driven
uncertainty in fluxes is comparable between well-sampled northern temperate
regions and poorly sampled tropical regions. Furthermore, we find that
spatiotemporal differences in sampling, such as between OCO-2 land and ocean
soundings, coupled with imperfect transport, can produce differences in flux
estimates that are larger than flux uncertainties due to transport model
differences. This highlights the need for sampling with as complete a spatial
and temporal coverage as possible (e.g., using both land and ocean retrievals
together for OCO-2) to minimize the impact of selective sampling. Finally,
our annual and monthly estimates of transport-driven uncertainties can be
used to evaluate the robustness of conclusions drawn from real OCO-2 and in
situ CO2 inversions.