By focusing on the cost conditions at issuance, I …nd that not only the Covid-19 pandemic e¤ects were di¤erent across bonds and …rms at di¤erent stages, but also that the market composition was signi…cantly a¤ected, collapsing on investmentgrade bonds, a segment in which the share of bonds eligible to the ECB corporate programmes strikingly increased from 15% to 40%. At the same time the high-yield segment shrunk to almost disappear at 4%. In addition to a market segmentation along the bond grade and the eligibility to the ECB programmes, another source of risk detected in the pricing mechanism is the weak resilience to pandemic: the premium requested is around 30 basis points and started to be priced only after the early containment actions taken by the national authorities. On the contrary, I do not …nd evidence supporting an increased risk for corporations headquartered in countries with a reduced …scal space, nor the existence of a premium in favour of green bonds, which should be the backbone of a possible "green recovery".