The asymptotic expressions of the covariance matrices for both the least square estimates L α T and Markov (best linear) estimatesα T are obtained, based on a sample in a finite interval (0, T ) of the regression coefficients α = (α 1 , · · · , α m0 ) of a parameter-continuous process with a stationary residual. We assume that the regression variables ϕ ν (t), t 0, ν = 1, · · · , m 0 , are continuous in t, and satisfy conditions (3.1) − (3.3). For the residual, we assume that it is a stationary process that possesses a bounded continuous spectral density f (λ). Under these assumptions, it is proven thatwhere the matrices D T , B(0), α(λ) are defined in Section 3. Under the assumptions mentioned above, if, furthermore, there exist some positive integer m and a constant C such that g(λ)(1 + λ 2 ) m C > 0, where g(λ) is the spectral density of the residual, and for every N > 0,, 0 k, j m converge uniformly in h, l ∈ (−N, N ), then the following formula holds.The asymptotic equivalence of the least square estimates and the Markov estimates is also discussed.