We investigate the strong and the weak convergence properties of the following gradient projection algorithm with Tikhonov regularizing termwhere P Q is the projection operator from a Hilbert space H onto a given nonempty, closed and convex subset Q, f : H → R a regular convex function, φ : H → R a regular strongly convex function, and γ n and α n are positive real numbers. Following a Lyuapunov approach inspired essentially from the paper [Comminetti R, Peypouquet J Sorin S. Strong asymptotic convergence of evolution equations governed by maximal monotone operators with Tikhonov regularization. J. Differential Equations. ( 2001); 245:3753-3763], we establish the strong convergence of (x n ) n to a particular minimizer x * of f on Q under some simple and natural conditions on the objective function f and the sequences (γ n ) n and (α n ) n .