The structures of B and Z forms of poly(dGdC)'poly(dG-dC) in oriented hydrated films have been investigated by infrared spectroscopy. First, the infrared linear dichroism spectrum of poly(dG-dC) poly(dG-dC) in B form (high relative humidity and 2 M Na+) was recorded. The spectrum ofthe Z form was recorded at a lower relative humidity and higher sodium content (4 M). The experimental conditions were similar to those used in x-ray diffraction studies of left-handed poly(dG-dC)poly(dGdC) fibers. A qualitative agreement was found between the calculated values of the angles characteristic of the orientation of PO_ groups with respect to the helical axis in the Z, form and the experimental values. The infrared spectra of B and Z forms show some significant differences in H20 and 2H20. The deuteration rates of exchangeable protons involved in hydrogen bonds between guanine and cytosine residues were deduced from the changes in absorbance near 1700 cm.. In the B form, the exchange half-time is of the order of 20 min. In the Z form, the exchange half-time of some protons is very slow, of the order of 24 hr. Because of the similarity between these values and those previously reported for the high-salt and low-salt form of poly(dGdC).poly(dG-dC) in solution, we conclude that the high-salt form of poly(dG-dC)'poly(dG-dC) in solution belongs to the Z family.The discovery that alternating d(CpG)DNA fragments crystallize as a left-handed double helical molecule (1-3) raises the question of whether this form, termed Z DNA, exists in solution. In solution, poly(dG-dC)poly(dG-dC) can undergo a saltinduced cooperative transition (4, 5). The low-salt conformation of poly(dG-dC)poly(dG-dC) was shown to belong to the B family, whereas the high-salt conformation is assumed to belong to the Z family (1). Several lines of evidence support this assumption. The circular dichroism spectrum of the high-salt conformation is almost an inversion of the spectrum of the low-salt conformation (6).31P NMR spectra ofoligo[d(G-C)] have one and two peaks in low-and high-salt solutions, respectively (7). In the high-salt conformation, two exchanging protons have a halftime at least 50 times greater than that measured in low-salt conformation (8). These results are consistent with Z-and B-DNA conformations but do not firmly establish the existence of the Z form in solution.In this work, we studied the structures of B and Z forms of poly(dG-dC)-poly(dG-dC) in oriented hydrated films by infrared spectroscopy. We first report the infrared linear dichroism spectra ofthese two forms in deuterated and nondeuterated states. The spectra of both forms in H20 and 2H20 show some differences which allow the determination ofthe exchange rates of the protons involved in hydrogen bonds between base residues. These rates are of the same order of magnitude as those previously reported for the low-and high-salt form of poly(dGThe publication costs ofthis article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertis...