This study examined how well the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI; Tedeschi & Calhoun, 1996) corresponds with self-reported pre-to posttrauma changes in related constructs, including sense of purpose in life, religiosity, and social support. Participants were 328 low-income mothers (85.2% non-Hispanic Black) who survived Hurricane Katrina and completed surveys approximately 1 year predisaster (Time 1), 4 years postdisaster (Time 2), and 12 years postdisaster (Time 3). PTG was assessed at Time 2 and Time 3, and related constructs were assessed at all waves. Pre-to postdisaster changes in the following related constructs were significantly associated with the corresponding PTGI subscales: purpose in life with Relating to Others, Personal Strength, and New Possibilities; religiosity with Spiritual Change; and perceived social support with Relating to Others. The results demonstrate a link between a number of self-reported pre-to posttrauma psychological changes measured over time and the PTGI. Replication of these results using measures more closely aligned to the PTGI subscales, among more representative samples and in the aftermath of other traumatic events, is warranted.