1We present a combination of semiempirical quantum-mechanical (SQM) calculations in the conductor-like screening model with the MM/GBSA (molecular-mechanics with generalised Born and surface-area solvation) method for ligand-binding affinity calculations. We test three SQM Hamiltonians, AM1, RM1, and PM6, as well as hydrogen-bond corrections and two different dispersion corrections. As test cases, we use the binding of seven biotin analogues to avidin, nine inhibitors to factor Xa, and nine phenol-derivatives to ferritin. The results vary somewhat for the three test cases, but a dispersion correction is mandatory to reproduce experimental estimates. On average, AM1 with the DH2 hydrogen-bond and dispersion corrections gives the best results, which are similar to those of standard MM/GBSA calculations for the same systems. The total time consumption is only 1.3-1.6 times larger than for MM/GBSA.Keywords: MM/PBSA, semiempirical calculations, ligand binding, continuum solvation, dispersion, hydrogen-bond corrections.2 Introduction Most drug molecules exert their action by binding to a receptor, typically a protein, forming a complex, as described by the reaction P + L → PL (1) where P is the protein, L the ligand (the drug), and PL the complex. The binding is governed by the binding free energy, ΔG bind . Much effort has been spent on developing computational methods to estimate this quantity.
1,2If ΔG bind could be accurately calculated, important parts of drug development could be performed in the computer. Thereby, the number of drug candidates that needs to be synthesised could be strongly reduced, which would allow pharmaceutical companies to save vast amounts of money and time.Computational methods to estimate binding affinities range from statistical scoring functions to simulation-based methods that are exact in theory but require extensive sampling of unphysical intermediate states. 1 An attractive alternative is the so-called end-point methods, which sample only the protein, the ligand, and the complex. One of the most popular endpoint methods is MM/GBSA (molecular mechanics with generalised Born and surface-area solvation). This method estimates the binding free energy as the difference in free energy between the complex, the protein, and the ligand, viz., ΔG bind = G(PL) -G(P) -G(L). Each free energy is estimated from the sum 4,5where the first two terms are the electrostatic and van der Waals energies of the system, estimated at the molecular mechanics (MM) level, G solv is the polar solvation free energy, G np is the non-polar solvation free energy, and the last term is the absolute temperature multiplied by an entropy estimate, obtained at the MM level. The brackets in Eqn. 2 indicate an average over snapshots from a molecular dynamics (MD) or Monte Carlo simulation. The sampling of snapshots is performed at the MM level because the number of atoms in the system is typically more than 10000, including explicit solvent molecules. However, when the energies in Eqn. 2 are computed, the solvent molecules...