“…brasiliensis (as described by Crespo et al, 2020) and from Miocene Australian Petramops creaseri (as described by Hand, 1990) in having a long paraloph extending toward the protocone and short metaloph extending to the postprotocrista. (Note that there is as yet no consensus among authors investigating molossid phylogeny [e.g., Freeman, 1981; Legendre, 1984 a , 1984 b , 1985; Sudman et al, 1994; Ammerman et al, 2012, 2013] that could serve as a basis for a stable taxonomy, and that some authors differ in their use of Tadarida and Rhizomops for the taxon brasiliensis [Legendre, 1984 a , 1985; Owen et al, 1990; Ammerman et al, 2012; Maitre, 2014; Crespo et al, 2020]; resolution of that discussion is beyond the scope of this note.) The p4 differs from most recent molossid genera in having a stronger anterolingual cingular cusp and the posteriorly hooked main cusp, although these structures might prove to be variable in their development across large samples or geographic regions.…”