Recent advances in remotely piloted aerial system (“drone”) and imagery processing technologies have enabled individual tree mapping in forest stands across broad areas with low-cost equipment and minimal ground-based data collection. One such method, “structure from motion” (SfM), involves collecting many partially overlapping aerial photos over a focal area and using photogrammetric analysis to infer 3D structure and detect individual trees. SfM-based forest mapping involves myriad decisions surrounding the selection of methods and parameters for imagery acquisition and processing, but no studies have comprehensively and quantitatively evaluated the influence of these parameters on the accuracy of the resulting tree maps.We collected and processed drone imagery of a moderate-density, structurally complex mixed-conifer stand. We tested 22 imagery collection methods (altering flight altitude, camera pitch, and image overlap), 12 imagery processing parameterizations, and 286 tree detection methods (algorithms and their parameterizations) to create 7,568 tree maps. We compared these maps to a 3.23-ha ground-truth map of 1,916 trees > 5 m tall that we created using traditional field survey methods.We found that the accuracy of individual tree detection (ITD) and the resulting tree maps was generally maximized by collecting imagery at high altitude (120 m) with at least 90% image-to-image overlap, photogrammetrically processing images into a canopy height model (CHM) with a 2-fold upscaling (coarsening) step, and detecting trees from the CHM using a variable window filter after first applying a moving-window mean smooth to the CHM. Using this combination of methods, we mapped trees with an accuracy that exceeds expectations for our structurally complex forest based on other recent results (for overstory trees > 10 m tall, sensitivity = 0.69 and precision = 0.90). Remotely-measured tree heights corresponded to ground-measured heights with R2 = 0.95. Accuracy was higher for taller trees and lower for understory trees, and it is likely to be higher in lower density and less structurally-complex stands.Our results may guide others wishing to efficiently produce individual-tree maps of conifer forests over broad extents without investing substantial time tailoring imagery acquisition and processing parameters. The resulting tree maps create opportunities for addressing previously intractable ecological questions and increasing the efficiency of forest management.