As a first step towards establishing a chiral perturbation theory for overlap fermions, we investigate whether there are any ambiguities in the expression for the pion mass resulting from multiple chiral symmetries. The concern is that, calculating the conserved current for Ginsparg Wilson chiral symmetries in the usual way, different expressions of the chiral symmetries lead to different currents. This implies an ambiguity in the definition of the pion and pion decay constant for all Ginsparg-Wilson expressions of the Dirac operator, including the overlap operator. We use a renormalisation group mapping procedure to consider local chiral symmetry transformations for a continuum Ginsparg-Wilson "Dirac-operator." We find that this naturally leads to an expression for the conserved current that differs from the standard expression by cut-off artefacts, but is independent of which of the Ginsparg-Wilson symmetries is chosen. We recover the standard expressions for the massive Dirac operator, propagator, and chiral condensate. With this in place, we proceed to calculate the pion mass in the mapped theory as a function of the quark mass, and discover a unique expression for F π and m π , recovering the usual Gell-Mann-Oakes-Renner relation, baring the substitution of the chiral condensate with its modified value. We hypothesise that the argument can be carried directly over to the lattice theory.