DOI: 10.1016/j.arth.2021.08.020
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A Repeat Dose of Perioperative Dexamethasone Can Effectively Reduce Pain, Opioid Requirement, Time to Ambulation, and In-Hospital Stay After Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial

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Cited by 15 publications
(5 citation statements)
References 37 publications
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“…While chronic corticosteroids have immunosuppressive effects that may theoretically increase the risk of infection, the decreased risk of infectious complications seen presently may be attributed to the therapeutic effect dexamethasone has on postoperative mobilization, which has been associated with decreased infection rates. 23,[29][30][31][32][33] Improved postoperative mobilization may also explain why rates of PE and respiratory fa-ilure were decreased in patients who received dexamethasone in this study. 34 In our study, the association between dexamethasone use and postoperative opioid consumption is less straightforward.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 75%
See 1 more Smart Citation
“…While chronic corticosteroids have immunosuppressive effects that may theoretically increase the risk of infection, the decreased risk of infectious complications seen presently may be attributed to the therapeutic effect dexamethasone has on postoperative mobilization, which has been associated with decreased infection rates. 23,[29][30][31][32][33] Improved postoperative mobilization may also explain why rates of PE and respiratory fa-ilure were decreased in patients who received dexamethasone in this study. 34 In our study, the association between dexamethasone use and postoperative opioid consumption is less straightforward.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 75%
“…10 In addition, a recent study by Lucero et al demonstrated that patient-reported pain was further reduced when two perioperative doses of dexamethasone were administered compared with just one. 29 One possible explanation may be that institutions more likely to implement multimodal pain protocols, such as perioperative dexamethasone administration, may also be more likely to implement advanced perioperative pain protocols that treat early postoperative pain more aggressively. 35 Another possible explanation relates to the half-life of dexamethasone, which is 36 to 72 hours.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Wagner et al [21] found that the use of liposomal bupivacaine during THA reduced postoperative opioid use as well as the length of hospital stay. A prospective randomized controlled trial conducted by Lucero [22] showed that additional dose of dexamethasone after surgery could signi cantly relieve pain and reduce tramadol consumption for patients undergoing primary THA.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Wagner et al [ 21 ] found that the use of liposomal bupivacaine during THA reduced postoperative opioid use as well as the length of hospital stay. A prospective randomized controlled trial conducted by Lucero [ 22 ] showed that additional dose of dexamethasone after surgery could significantly relieve pain and reduce tramadol consumption for patients undergoing primary THA. Therefore, it is necessary to find effective measures to prevent opioid abuse and reduce the incidence of various adverse complications.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%