Since 2018, the Japanese Ministry of the Environment (MoE) has worked on the "Recycling Demonstration Project for the Soil Generated from Decontamination Activities" (the Project), which aims to offer empirical evidence for the final disposal of radiation-contaminated substances. To offer practical suggestions for the Project, this study aimed to explore determinants of its support. More specifically, building on previous studies on trust, this study proposed a hypothetical model in which support for the Project was determined by trust in the MoE, which in turn was determined by salient value similarity, ability, and motivation. Additionally, it was hypothesised that the relationships between trust and its different determinants differed: Salient value similarity showed a stronger relationship with trust in those who lived near the place where the Project is taking place whereas ability and motivation showed stronger relationships with trust in those who did not. Questionnaire-based research was conducted in both Iitate village (n = 106), Fukushima, where the Project had been taking place, and Tokyo (n = 163), located approximately 220 km from Fukushima. Multilevel structural equation modelling supported the hypothesis. These results suggest that emphasising the similarity of values between the MoE and the public would help obtain the public's support for the Project.