<p>Let $\mathcal A$ be the classical, singly-graded Steenrod algebra over the prime order field $\mathbb F_2$ and let $P^{\otimes h}: = \mathbb F_2[t_1, \ldots, t_h]$ denote the polynomial algebra on $h$ generators, each of degree $1$, viewed as a module over $\mathcal A.$ Write $GL_h$ for the usual general linear group of rank $h$ over $\mathbb F_2.$ As well known, the (mod 2) cohomology groups of the Steenrod algebra, ${\rm Ext}_{\mathcal A}^{h, h+*}(\mathbb F_2, \mathbb F_2)$ is still largely mysterious for all homological degrees $h \geq 6.$ The $h$-th algebraic transfer $$Tr_h^{\mathcal A}: (\mathbb F_2\otimes_{GL_h}{\rm Ann}_{\overline{\mathcal A}}[P^{\otimes h}]^{*})_n\longrightarrow {\rm Ext}_{\mathcal A}^{h, h+n}(\mathbb F_2, \mathbb F_2),$$ defined by William Singer \cite{Singer}, is a helpful tool to describe that Ext groups. Singer conjectured that this transfer is a monomorphism, but it remains open for any $h\geq 5.$ There is currently no information on the conjecture for $h = 6$. In this paper, we verify Singer's conjecture for all homological degrees $h\geq 1$ in the internal degrees $\leq 10 = 6(2^{0}-1) + 10\cdot 2^{0}$ and for $h = 6$ in the degree of the general form $n_s:=6(2^{s}-1) + 10\cdot 2^{s}.$ This result is important, since it tells us that the non-zero elements $h_2^{2}g_1 = h_4Ph_2\in {\rm Ext}_{\mathcal A}^{6, 6+n_1}(\mathbb F_2, \mathbb F_2)$, and $D_2\in {\rm Ext}_{\mathcal A}^{6, 6+n_2}(\mathbb F_2, \mathbb F_2)$ are not in the image of the sixth algebraic transfer. This Note is a continuation of our previous one \cite{Phuc11}, which will refer to as Part I. Our approach is based on explicitly solving the hit problem for the Steenrod algebra in the case $h = 6$ and degree $n_s.$ This extends a result in Mothebe, Kaelo and Ramatebele \cite{MKR}. At the same time, we also use this obtained result to establish the dimension result for the space of the unhit elements, $\mathbb F_2\otimes_{\mathcal A}P^{\otimes 7}$ in a certain general degree. </p>