homology 2 domain-containing inositol 5'-phosphatase; RhoGDI, Rho GDP dissociation inhibitor; ROK, Rho-dependent protein kinase; ROS, reactive oxygen species, TNFR, tumor necrosis factor receptor; SAPK, stress activating protein kinase; SH2, Src homology 2; SNARE, soluble NSF attachment protein receptor; TNF-α, tumor necorsis factor-α; VAMP, Vesicle-associated membrane protein; WASP, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein
A bstractPhagocytosis by inflam m atory cells is an essential step and a part of innate im m unity for protection against foreign pathogens, m icroorganism or dead cells. Phagocytosis, endocytotic events sequel to binding particle ligands to the specific receptors on phagocyte cell surface such as Fcγ recptor (FcγR ), com plem ent receptor (CR ), β-glucan receptor, and phosphatidylserine (PS) receptor, require actin assem bly, pseudopod extension and phagosom e closure. Rho GTPases (R hoA, C dc42, and R ac1) are critically involved in these processes. A brupt superoxide form ation, called as oxidative burst, occurs through NADPH oxidase complex in leukocytes following phagocytosis. NADPH oxidase com plex is com posed of m em brane proteins, p22 PHOX and gp91 PHOX , and cytosolic proteins, p40 PHOX , p47 PHOX and p67 PHOX . The cytosolic subunits and Rac-GTP are translocated to the m embrane, form ing com plete NADPH oxidase com plex with m em brane part subunits. B inding of im unoglobulin G (IgG)-and com plem ent-opsonized particles to FcγR and C R of leukocytes induces apoptosis of the cells, which m ay be due to oxidative burst and accom panying cytochrom e c release and casapase-3 activation.