Abstract:In this paper an efficient reverse converter for the new five moduli set {2 n , 2 2n+1 − 1, 2 n/2 − 1, 2 n/2 + 1, 2 n + 1} for even n is presented. With a little changes in latest introduced five moduli set {2 n , 2 n/2 − 1, 2 n/2 + 1, 2 n + 1, 2 2n−1 − 1} in order to achieve simple multiplicative inverse, this new moduli set is presented. The converter is designed in two levels architecture. The first level is based on CRT and the second one is based on MRC algorithm. The proposed converter achieved significant improvement in terms of speed with less hardware requirement comparing to other five moduli sets. Keywords: reverse converter, computer arithmetic, residue number system Classification: Integrated circuits
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