Background and Objectives Diabetic foot is a condition especially vulnerable to amputation because of frequent complications of peripheral neuropathy, infection and peripheral arterial disease. Diabetic foot problems are a major cause of hospitalisation and prolonged hospital stays, constituting 20% of those entering hospitals. If treatment is delayed or improper treatment is given, it leads to infection, gangrene and amputation. Homoeopathic literature reveals that Silicea is a useful medicine for ulcers, but there is dearth of systematic research in this area. This article is an effort to provide detailed information of potentised Silicea in reference to diabetic foot ulcer (DFU).
Method A prospective observational study was conducted by Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy at its Extension Clinical Research Unit, Hyderabad, from 2005 to 2009. From the study, cases where Silicea (n = 22) was indicated and prescribed were taken for retrospective analysis.
Results The analysis showed usefulness of Silicea in treating DFU. The baseline symptom score of DFU and sugar values were statistically analysed before and after treatment. The mean symptom scores at the baseline (8.41 ± 3.03) and at the end of treatment (0.27 ± 0.70) were found to be statistically significant (p = 0.001).
Conclusion The result of the role of Silicea in ulcer healing was found to be positive and encouraging. Further, to validate the effect of Silicea, randomised controlled trials can be undertaken.