Duchenne muscular dystrophy stands out as the most prevalent and severe form of childhood muscular dystrophy, impacting approximately one in every 5200 male births. It results from dystrophin deficiency, a condition inherited through X-linked recessive traits due to a missing or altered dystrophin protein encoded by the DMD gene located on chromosome Xp21. Unfortunately, this myopathy is currently incurable, often leading to mortality between the ages of 20-25. The primary pharmaceutical intervention for Duchenne muscular dystrophy involves corticosteroids, though they come with long-term negative consequences.In the realm of Ayurveda, Duchenne muscular dystrophy falls under the classification of Medomamsa dushti, attributed to Vata doshas and stemming from Bheejabagahaavyava dushti. Ayurvedic strategies for management emphasize the promotion of regeneration in neuromuscular illnesses, employing a combination of Ayurvedic oral drugs and Panchakarma therapies.
Key words: DMD, Dystrophin, Muscular Dystrophy, Medovaha Srotodushti