Amphotericin B (AmB) has toxic effects and alters neutrophil (polymorphonuclear leukocyte [PMN]) function. A lipid-complexed formulation of AmB (AmB-LC) has been reported (A. S. Janoff, L. T. Boni, M. C. Popescu, S. R. Minchey, P. R. Cuilis, T. D. Madden, T. Taraschi, S. M. Gruner, E. Shyamsunder, M. W. Tate, R. Mendelsohn, and D. Bonner, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 85:6122-6126, 1988) to be less toxic than a desoxycholate-suspended preparation of AmB (AmB-des; Fungizone). In this study we compared the effects of AmB-des and AmB-LC on in vitro PMN function. Neither form of AmB stimulated PMN chemiluminescence, but AmB-des (2 ,ug/mI) nearly tripled PMN chemiluminescence in response to f-Met-Leu-Phe (fMLP), a phenomenon known as priming. Because AmB stimulates monocytes to release cytokines which can affect PMN function, we studied the effects of AmB on PMNs in mixed leukocyte cultures. AmB-des (1 to 2 ,ug/ml) increased the chemiluminescence of PMNs plus mixed mononuclear leukocytes (MNLs) to fMLP. The activity was about three times that of PMNs plus MNLs and seven times the activity of PMNs stimulated with fMLP in the absence of MNLs. Cell-free AmB-des (2 ,ug/ml)-stimulated, MNL-conditioned medium primed pure PMNs to a level equal to that of whole MNLs treated with AmB-des. AmB-LC was much less potent. AmB-LC (20 ,ug/ml) increased fMLP-stimulated chemiluminescence to two times that of PMNs plus MNLs without AmB-LC. AmB-des (2 ,ug/ml) (but not AmB-LC [2 ,ug/ml]) increased nitroblue tetrazolium reduction by PMNs in whole blood from 31 to 52% of positive cells. Neither form of AmB increased Mac-1 (the CD11b/CD18 integrin) expression of pure PMNs. AmB-des (0.5 to 2 ,ug/ml) (but not AmB-LC [c40 ,ug/ml]) nearly doubled PMN Mac-1 expression in the presence of MNLs, and cell-free AmB.des (2 ,ug/ml)-stimulated, MNL-conditioned medium stimulated PMN Mac-i to l25% of the control level. AmB-des (0.2 to 2 ,ug/ml) (but not AmB-LC [.40 jg/ml]) decreased chemotaxis of pure PMNs to fMLP by as much as 35% and that of PMNs in the presence of MNLs by as much as 50%. l)esoxycholate by itself had no effect on PMN function. These differences in activity between AmB-des and AmB-LC may explain the lessened toxicity observed with AmB-LC.Amphotericin B (AmB) is a widely used antifungal agent. In several laboratories (3,9,18,22,33,37) it has been observed that in vitro neutrophil (polymorphonuclear leukocyte [PMN]) function is altered by AmB. Other laboratories have reported that AmB affects macrophage function (6,17,27,36) and stimulates monokine production from both human and murine cells (8,14). Because both tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a) and interleukin-lp (IL-1p) have inflammatory actions on PMN function, we hypothesized that the increased expression of these monokines might exacerbate the effects of AmB on PMN function. We found that the presence of mononuclear leukocytes (MNLs) increases the effects of AmB on PMN function.There are a number of side effects observed with AmB treatment, including fever, chills, thrombophlebitis, anemi...