Stunting is a chronic nutritional deficiency due to various adverse cross-sectoral environmental conditions, including food intake. This influences the linear growth and development of children’s brains and their cognitive function. Providing interventions to meet stunted children’s protein needs tends to prevent the further abnormal development of cognitive functions. High-protein foods are supplied from various edible local commodities in Indonesia. Therefore, this study aims to demonstrate the importance of feeding stunted children with high-protein diets and provide insight that local food ingredients in the country have growth-promoting potential. Through Google Scholar, PubMed, Science Direct, and Nature, 107 articles were obtained with keywords related to stunting, such as protein intake, catch-up growth + stunting, and adverse effect + catch-up growth. The preferred citations randomized-controlled trials and systematic reviews relevant to the study question were compiled using Mendeley version 1.19.8. Based on the literature review results, stunting is hereditary and affects the quality of generations. The adequacy of protein needs is closely related to growth and development, hence, foods containing a high amount of the nutrient facilitate catch-up growth in stunted children. This conclusion is expected to provide information to policymakers and health agencies in the country concerning the education related to high nutritional local food, which can be reached by the community. Interventions with high-protein-containing local foods ought to be tailored to dietary needs and accompanied by monitoring for the presence or absence of unreasonable weight gain to prevent overweight or obesity.