We establish the first connection between 2d Liouville quantum gravity and natural dynamics of random matrices. In particular, we show that if (Ut) is a Brownian motion on the unitary group at equilibrium, then the measuresconverge in the limit of large dimension to the 2d LQG measure, a properly normalized exponential of the 2d Gaussian free field. Gaussian free field type fluctuations associated with these dynamics were first established by Spohn (1998) and convergence to the LQG measure in 2d settings was conjectured since the work of Webb ( 2014), who proved the convergence of related one dimensional measures by using inputs from Riemann-Hilbert theory.The convergence follows from the first multi-time extension of the result by Widom (1973) on Fisher-Hartwig asymptotics of Toeplitz determinants with real symbols. To prove these, we develop a general surgery argument and combine determinantal point processes estimates with stochastic analysis on Lie group, providing in passing a probabilistic proof of Webb's 1d result. We believe the techniques will be more broadly applicable to matrix dynamics out of equilibrium, joint moments of determinants for classes of correlated random matrices, and the characteristic polynomial of non-Hermitian random matrices.
PreliminariesBasic notations. In this paper, dλ denotes the Lebesgue measure on the unit circle U, and dm the Lebesgue measure on C. We remind that the Fourier coefficients of f are defined as fk = 1