Abstract-Even though Location Based Services (LBSs) are being more and more widely-used and this shows a promising future, there are still many challenges to deal with, such as privacy, reliability, accuracy, cost of service, power consumption and availability. There is still no single low-cost positioning technology which provides position of its users seamlessly indoors and outdoors with an acceptable level of accuracy and low power consumption. For this reason, fitness of positioning service to the purpose of LBS application is an important parameter to be considered when choosing the most suitable positioning technology for an LBS. This should be done for any LBS application, since each application may need different requirements. Some location-based applications, such as locationbased advertisements or Location-Based Social Networking (LBSN), do not need very accurate positioning input data, while for some others, e.g. navigation and tracking services, highlyaccurate positioning is essential. This paper evaluates different positioning technologies from fitness-to-purpose point of view for two different applications, public transport information and family/friend tracking.