The study aimed to characterize a peri-urban area through the LST index. 12 localities were studied, which fall within the peri-urban area of Timisoara, Timis County, Romania. In relation to the intended purpose, a satellite scene was used, Landsat 8, with a component of 11 spectral bands. The satellite scene was subjected to a processing in order to extract the information necessary to determine the LST (Land Surface Temperature). The authors built a logical scheme, as a synthetic model for determining LST, based on consecrated formulas. The analyzed LST index presented values between LST = 26.857 in the case of Ghiroda locality and LST = 30.198 in the case of Sanandrei locality. According to PCA, PC1 explained 51.41% of variance, and PC2 explained 48.59% of variance. It was found an independent positioning of the localities Dumbravita (Dum), Ghiroda (Ghi), Remetea Mare (Rem M) and Mosnita Noua (Mos N) in relation to LST as biplot, due to the lower values for this index. Cluster analysis led to the grouping of the localities studied, based on Euclidean distances, in relation to LST values, in statistical safety conditions (Coph. Corr = 0.826). The highest level of similarity, in relation to LST, was registered in the case of Dudestii Noi and Sanandrei localities (Dud N_San), sub-cluster C2-2 (SDI = 0.025). In ascending order of SDI values followed the localities Becicherecu Mic and Giroc (Bec M_Gir), sub-cluster C2-1, SDI = 0.026; Giroc and Sag localities (Gir_Sag), subcluster C2-1, SDI = 0.040; Becicherecu Mic and Sag localities (Bec M_Sag), sub-cluster C2-1, SDI = 0.066.