This paper investigates the ratcheting and fatigue behaviour of 90 degree single unreinforced mitred pipe bends subjected to a cyclic in-plane closing moment with a non-zero mean value and constant internal pressure. An experiment was conducted to induce ratcheting and low cycle failure of the mitred pipe bend. Material and structural response is considered both locally and globally using strain gauges at the locations of highest strain and also by measuring the displacement of the mitre end. These results along with the number of cycles to failure are compared with those produced from nonlinear finite element analysis. The predicted crosshead displacement from the multi linear model showed a good agreement with the test results. However, the finite element model failed to accurately replicate the strain level or trend from the tests, indicating the weakness of the material model used in simulating the cyclic hardening effect. It was also found that the FE models proposed were not able to model the final failure mode of the mitre due to the exclusion of crack simulation in the analysis, i.e. interaction between ratcheting and low cycle fatigue cracking was not considered in the idealised numerical model