Recently, much attention has been drawn to deep learning models, namely deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) trained in a supervised fashion. Supervised learning is time consuming, requires a large dataset where the answer is already known, and often fails to generalize to new cases with patterns or noise statistics that were not foreseen in the training data. Unsupervised learning, on the other hand, does not use prior knowledge of the answer, can adapt to new data at hand, and can learn from single examples. A CNN can solve inverse problems in this way by learning to produce a result that, when passed through a forward model, recovers the experimental measurement. For example, a CNN can be trained in a supervised fashion to recover the complex field of a pulse from its Frequency-Resolved Optical Gating (FROG) measurement, by training it on thousands of examples of FROG measurements (the network inputs) and their corresponding optical pulses (the target outputs). In unsupervised learning, the network learns to transform a FROG measurement into an optical pulse, that, when passed through a forward model, recovers the original FROG measurement. We find this succeeds even on single FROG measurements, opening up new possibilities for analyzing measurements that fall outside the foreseeable distribution of training data.