Landslide hazard and risk assessment (LHA & LRA) in the French West Indies is a big challenge, particularly in Martinique, where several factors contribute to high slope sensitivity to landslides. This sensitivity is particularly due to volcanic ground, hurricane seasons, and growing pressure from urban development. Thus, to protect future goods and inhabitants and avoid increased slope sensitivity to landslide, it is necessary to analyze by different ways and complementary approaches the future planned areas. This research focuses on a site the City Council of 'La Trinité' wishes to develop. The goals consist of locating landslide-prone areas and providing some recommendations/indications for future projects. The site is characterized by a hilly topography alternating steep slopes, gentle slopes, and eroded areas and is located on a complex lithology (i.e., andesite, basalt, and weathered materials). By combining several approaches and techniques (geology, geomorphology, geophysics, and modeling), it is demonstrated that some areas are particularly susceptible to landslide, notably where colluviums are juxtaposed to highly weathered materials. The different documents produced, based on modeling and expert knowledge, combined with indications should allow the definition of new susceptibility classes, taking into account probable anthropic influence and development. Even if the temporal probability of the experimental documents is not taken into account, they help with refining knowledge of landslide-prone areas and different types of instability. The documents should be discussed with end users for future planning.