Sed i ments of the Dudziniec For ma tion (Lower Ju ras sic -Aalenian) out crop ping in the Kooecieliska Val ley (autochthonous unit of the High-Tatric se ries) are rep re sented by a range of mixed car bon ate-clastic de pos its. Seven lithofacies have been dis tinguished based on li thol ogy, sed i men tary struc tures, col our and com po si tion of intra-and extraclasts, with sand stones and crinoidal lime stones as end mem bers of a con tin u ous spec trum of fa cies. The study area rep re sents a shal lower part of the sed i men tary ba sin lo cated in the vi cin ity of source ar eas, as com pared to the Chocho³owska Val ley re gion lo cated in the west. Fa cies char ac ter is tics and dis tri bu tion were con trolled mainly by synsedimentary tec tonic ac tiv ity, with sandy va ri et ies rep resent ing pe ri ods of fault ing with en hanced in flux of extraclasts, and with crinoidal lime stones cor re spond ing to in ter vals of rel ative tec tonic sta bil ity. Such in flu ence of synsedimentary tec ton ics on the de po si tion in the Early Ju ras sic strongly re sem bles the Mid dle Ju ras sic de vel op ment in the High-Tatric area. Nep tu nian dykes cut ting the Dudziniec For ma tion, and most prob a bly filled by Lower Ju ras sic sed i ments, are yet an other in di ca tion of tec tonic in sta bil ity of the area in the Early Ju ras sic.