“…Mabille & Boullet, ), clearly does not help in this respect, but examination of the NHMUK holdings of Achlyodes busirus did not lead to the discovery of any specimen of this species derived from Milne. - Other Drury Lepidoptera types have been subsequently recovered in Milne's material at the BM (Authors' Team, ; Horn & Kahle, ).
- The holotype of E. contigua perfectly matches illustrations of Hesperia busiris made by Jones from Drury's original specimen. In addition to the dorsal and ventral sides of wings, the abdominal pattern also agrees, which can be assessed from the illustration of the contigua holotype in Butler () made before this was dissected.
- A difference in the coloration of the forewing apices and hindwing margins, white in the specimen and grey in Jones's illustrations, partly so in Donovan's, corresponds to what is observed in many of the white‐coloured parts of other butterflies portrayed by Jones (R.I. Vane‐Wright, personal communication), a phenomenon known as lead ‘white darkening’, which commonly affects old paintings in which lead was used as a component of white dyes (Lussier & Smith, ). The fact that Fabricius () mentions grey apices too gives a hint that he may have based his description on Jones's artwork rather than on the original specimen, so Donovan () should have so done for his picture.