“…It remains to be determined whether idiopathic PVCs or NSVTs cause heart failure (PVC-induced cardiomyopathy) or, conversely, if arrhythmia appears as a symptom of heart failure. 1123,1124 Cardiac function is known to decrease in patients with frequent PVCs (approximately ≥10,000 beats/day, or approximately ≥10% of the total number of heart beats). 1125,1126,1128,[1132][1133][1134] Other risk factors for PVCinduced cardiomyopathy include the duration of symptoms due to PVCs, such as a longer duration of palpitations, or, conversely, asymptomatic PVCs, [1133][1134][1135] PVCs with a wide QRS width, 1136,1137 PVCs originating from the epicardium, 1135 a large number of interpolated PVCs, 1138 a wide variation in the coupling interval, 1139 and a short coupling interval of PVCs followed by early atrial contraction.…”