Crossbreeding aims to increase the productivity of local or indigenous animals by introducing exotic breeds. This study aims to assess the effects of crossbreeding using 50% Boer bucks crossed with Ethiopian indigenous Woyto‐Guji goats and to evaluate farmers’ perceptions towards crossbred kids. Data were collected from five purposively selected districts in southern Ethiopia. Personal interviews, focus group discussions (FGDs), and field observations were employed to gather information on the goat production systems and farmers’ perceptions. The mean ± SD of goat flock size in the study area were 7.31 ± 5.89 heads per household (HH) with larger flock sizes observed in the Alaba zone (10.32 ± 6.56). Goats in the studied areas were primarily kept for income generation. The average age at first kidding was 11.3 ± 1.3 months. Relatively better management practices were observed for crossbred goats in the Alaba, Loko Abaya, and Gurage zones. Respondent farmers highly appreciated Boer crossbred goats due to their superior perception of attractive coat color (4.39 times greater, P < 0.001), docile behavior (3.59 times greater, P < 0.001), fast growth rate (1.64 times greater, P < 0.05), and market preference (5.81 times greater, P < 0.001). However, susceptibility to disease and drought was considered as drawbacks of crossbred kids in the studied areas. It was also reported that crossbreed goats fetched better prices than indigenous goats of a similar age group and under the same management system. All visited farmers expressed a strong interest in crossbreeding. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that Boer crossbred goats perform well in southern Ethiopia. Therefore, the continued production of crossbred kids can be disseminated to these areas. Additionally, it is suggested to consider the interests of goat producers in the remaining areas. Integrated improved management systems need to be implemented to enhance the survival of crossbred kids. Sustainable training programs should be organized for goat keepers, focusing on aspects such as crossbreeding, minimizing inbreeding, buck rotation, and improved feeding and management practices.