The role of microbiology in soil carbon and nutrient cycling under cotton systems has been the focus of our recent work; however, reporting is no longer just an exercise in journal publication and reporting to funders. Extension now has to incorporate funders, farmers, students, teachers and the general public. This results in one message being told many times in different ways, but raises questions regarding the best means of delivery, the preferred method of reception and the gathering and interpretation of audience feedback. This paper reviews our efforts to date across three main extension formats: printed material, digital material (including social media) and direct connections. Analyses indicate that no single method satisfies every potential audience and that some audiences want variety in their extension material formats.To meet this requirement, teams need to be familiar with several extension platforms, identify the key people that audiences look to for information so that the message is heard and assistance asked for from extension professionals when needed.
K E Y W O R D SBlog, cotton, extension, Gossypium hirsutum, social media 142 | KNOX et al.