Propagation properties of rain are derived from radar measurements. The radar measurements of rain have been performed using the polarimetric DFVLR weather radar. Measurements of the horizontal reflectivity, differential reflectivity and linear depolarization ratio in rain are presented. The mean canting angle of raindrops is directly derived from measurements at several linear polarizations. The radar data is corrected for propagation effects which occur on the way between radar and scatter volume. Attenuation and depolarization are derived from the corrected radar data for the frequenlcies of planned satellite-earth links at 20 and 30 Gllz. INTRODUCTION Satellite-earth communication links at 20/30 GHz can be severely influenced by different sorts of precipitation in the atmosphere (rain, snow, etc.) with regard to attenuation, depolarization and phase shift. The polarimetric C-band DFVLR weather radar enables a study of the influence of different hydrometeors by scanning the propagation path. In this paper the attenuation and depolarization of plane waves propagating through rain are determrined by means of radar measurements.
CALCULATIQN OF RADAR BACKSCATTERIN(GBY RAINThe radar backscattering of rain volumes was calculated in order to derive model parameters from radar measurements. Meteorological scatter volumes consist of many single scatterers (raindrops) which are moving relative to each other. The scatter volume is an incoherent scatterer; the backscattered wave is only partially coherent and in general partially polarized. Partially coherent waves can be represented by their Stokes-vectors g [1]. The backscattering process can then be described by the MUller-matrix M of the scatter volume [3] and the received power P is given by:where j is the Stokes-vector of the transmit polarization, M is the MUller-matrix of the rain volume and g, is the Stokes-vector of the receive polarization.The first order multiple scattering approximation (single scattering + propagation effects) can be applied to rain volumes. In that case the elements of the MiUller-matrix of a volume containing independent single scatterers consist of ensemble averages given by: (Ornmpq> = |JJJ N(D) p99(9 ,p) Smn(D, 9, 6p)S;D, , 6p)d9pdSdD x x Je -Akm ± k)r e(kpkq)r d(V 2 v where D is the equivalent raindrop diameter, N(D) is the drop size distribution, 19,p are drop orientation angles and p, (,9, p) is their distribution. Sk, is the backscattering amplitude of a single raindrop for transmit polarization I and receive polarization k. * denotes complex conj'ugation. k, is the effective propagation constant in the rain volume for a wave of polarization i. V is the pulse volume and r is the radial distance of a raindrop from the beginning of the rain volume. The first term on the right side of eq.(2) (integrals