The SOQRATES ( working party has been established in 2003 with the support of the Bavarian SW initiative. Major automotive suppliers joined forces to exchange best practices in topics such as Automotive SPICE, functional safety, and cybersecurity.The research method of SOQRATES is to compare the best practices, and in case that a specific design pattern is accepted by all parties, it is declared and published as a state of the art.Some of the results of the working party have been packaged into training courses.For example, in the EU project SafEUr (518632-LLP-1-2011-1-AT-LEONARDO-LMP, 2011-2012) a European partnership with inputs from SOQRATES developed a skill set, training materials, and best practices for the implementation of ISO 26262.For example, in the EU project AQUA (Knowledge Alliance for Quality in Automotive, EAC-2012EAC- -0635, 2013EAC- -2014, a European partnership with inputs from SOQRATES developed a skill set, training materials, and best practices for integrating Automotive SPICE, ISO 26262, and Six Sigma.For example, in the EU project AQU (Automotive Quality Universities, 2015-1-CZ01-KA203-013986, 2015-2017), a European partnership with inputs from SOQRATES applied the AQUA concept with universities in Austria, Germany, France, and Czech Republic who educate students that will work in the automotive industry.Also, the working party elaborated integrated assessment models where the Automotive SPICE 3.0 has been merged with ISO 26262 (further safety related questions) and SAE J3061 (further cybersecurity questions). This paper will look into the future of self-driving cars and discuss the design patterns that are currently analysed in the working party to support a vehicle in future self-driving infrastructure architectures and processes.
KEYWORDSAutomotive SPICE, cybersecurity, functional safety, ISO 26262, SAE J3061, service architectures for automotive 1 | INTRODUCTION ADAS stands for Autonomous Driving Assistance Systems and realises functions that support the driver but still keep the driver in the flow. It is still expected that there is a driver with a driver licence who is part of the control flow. From 2030 on the plans from OEMs are to produce self-driving cars where there are no drivers, the passenger is a person that is provided with a mobility service. The car itself must control the situation (supported by infrastructure), and also the insurance model will have been changed by then. Cars will have a black box that logs all vehicle data from all electronic control units (ECUs) and insurance will go with the car and the component, and will not be on the driver as a person any more.In case of the steering example in this paper, the authors also outline the future of a self-driving scenario.Automotive companies experience an exponential increase in functional development. Major car manufacturers develop vehicle functions that can be decomposed into features (functions) on ECU and supplier level. A real time communication (via a bus) of a set of electronic control units ...