To God for the gift of life, for enabling me to face the challenges, and for protection at all times. To my parents, Neusa and Reinaldo, for the incentive to reach higher achievements. To my sister, Kamila, for her unconditional support. To my boyfriend, Erick, for encouraging me to continue in graduate school and listening to my complaints. To everyone for their eventual participation in the plant sampling. To Profª. Adriana Gioda for the opportunity to join the Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry (from portuguese, Laboratório de Química Atmosférica -LQA). To Drª. Rachel Ann Hauser-Davis for making me part of the Hauser-Davis Research Group and helping me plan and execute the project in an area other than my domain. To Profª. Tatiana Dillenburg Saint´Pierre and Prof. José Marcus de Oliveira Godoy for the collaboration allowing the use of the infrastructure of their laboratories. To Elizanne Porto de Sousa Justo for her partnership in the daily life at LQA, in managing LQA's Instagram, for collaborating on various papers, and for conversations about the challenges of the PhD. To the scientific initiation students, Maria Vitória Rocha and Felipe Melo Dias, who collaborated in the biomonitoring execution. To Rafael Christian Chávez Rocha and Rodrigo Araújo Gonçalves for their help with the chemical analyses. To INEA for the collaboration by providing air pollution data and help in plant sampling. And to SMAC for providing meteorological and air pollution data. To Apple and Google for making urban mobility data available To PUC-Rio and Fiocruz for the physical structure that made the experiments possible. To CNPq for the PhD scholarship that made it possible for me to dedicate myself exclusively to this project. To FAPERJ for funding the projects that financed the experiments.