We report an extensive
study of the optical and structural properties
of NiWO4 combining experiments and density functional theory
calculations. We have obtained accurate information on the pressure
effect on the crystal structure determining the equation of state
and compressibility tensor. We have also determined the pressure dependence
of the band gap finding that it decreases under compression because
of the contribution of Ni 3d states to the top of
the valence band. We report on the sub-band-gap optical spectrum of
NiWO4 showing that the five bands observed at 0.95, 1.48,
1.70, 2.40, and 2.70 eV correspond to crystal-field transitions within
the 3d
8 (t
2) configuration
of Ni2+. Their assignment, which remained controversial
until now, has been resolved mainly by their pressure shifts. In addition
to the transition energies, their pressure derivatives are different
in each band, allowing a clear band assignment. To conclude, we report
resistivity and Hall-effect measurements showing that NiWO4 is a p-type semiconductor with a resistivity that
decreases as pressure increases.