The immune response system contributes to the body’s defence against
infection, toxic or allergenic substances and is concerned with the
recognition of tumour cells. In responding to a challenge the immune
system is able to distinguish the body’s own cells and components(self)
via the major histocompatability complex (HLA-DR) class 1 from cells
that are foreign (non-self). The abnormalities of the immune response is
demonstrated in the immunodeficiency diseases (congenital and acquired),
the hypersensitivity reactions that may be involved in producing
autoimmune diseases and the switching-off of T cell function by cancer
cells. The genetic regulation of the immune system have major
implications in clinical medicine as to the understanding of autoimmune
disease and the idiotypic network that militates against autoimmune
response and excessive immune responses. The relationship between immune
function and tumour cells is highly complex but crucial to the
understanding of both tumour rejection and progression mechanisms The
improved knowledge of the immune system has expanded the role of
immunotherapy and vaccine therapy in oncology. The article reviewed the
essential immune mechanisms in health and disease, and the clinical