The increase in water stress and shortage, facing many countries around the world, is one of the main difficulties confronting practical progress and sustainable development and management. Accordingly, managing the water assets of many countries around the world is nowadays a big challenge due to immense difficulties and vulnerabilities, including rapid industrialization and urbanization processes, population growth, geopolitical instability, and the effects of environmental changes, namely global warming and climate change. Because of global fresh waters scarcity and shortage, the demand for using non-conventional water resources, such as reusing treated wastewater for irrigation and industrial purposes, has become a nessitiy. However, the reuse of effluents for agricultural irrigation can have negative impacts on crop quality and soil conditions, as well as on public health and the environment. Moreover, improper management of agricultural irrigation with treated wastewater can also cause problems for plant production and soils’ physical and chemical propeties. This paper investigates the status of freshwater and wastewater in view of climate change, and socioeconomic, environmental, and health impacts of reusing treated wastewater for irrigation in the Arab region, with the focus on the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT), as an example. The paper concludes that: 1) Approximately 13.2 billion cubic meters (BCM) of wastewater is yearly produced in the Arab countries, of which 5.7 BCM (43.2%) is treated and 7.5 MCM (56.8%) is untreated and dumped in open environments; 2) Regarding the OPT, where more than 87% of its fresh water resources are controlled and forcefully taken by the Israeli occupation authorities, Palestinians discharge large amounts of untreated wastewater into open lands (as in the case of the occupied West Bank) and in the Mediterranean Sea (as in the case of occupied and besieged Gaza Strip); and 3) The reused portion of treated wastewater in the OPT is close to zero.