This contribution fills the Diptera biodiversity knowledge gap of two National Nature Reserves in the east of Slovakia. In total, 53 flies species from 24 families were confirmed in NNR Dreveník and NNR Sivá Brada. Among them tree new records of Dolichopodidae for the fauna of Slovakia: Campsicnemus magius (Loew, 1845), Chrysotus palustris Verrall, 1876, Ephydridae: Notiphila (Agrolimna) uliginosa Haliday, 1839) as well as four valuable species known only from few records from Slovakia Tachytrechus ocior Loew, Dixella obscura (Loew, 1849), Psilopa stackelbergi Nartshuk, 1970, Cnodacophora stylifera (Loew, 1870). As an additional new record Sybistroma discipes (Germar, 1817) (Dolichopodidae) is added from Levoča town, near Röhrgrund pond. The knowledge of the biodiversity of protected areas is crucial for the appropriate management and protection of fauna in these rare areas.