Transport properties near the Earth's surface are strongly influenced by the thermal stratification of the atmosphere. Until now, no distinction has been made between thermal stability parameters within and above a plant canopy, and it has been usual to classify canopy transport processes in terms of above-canopy stability parameters only. The question arises, however, whether such parameters adequately describe within-canopy properties because it is often the case that thermal stratification differs considerably between air layers above and below the top of the canopy. In the present study, two within-canopy thermal stratification parameters have been defined and tested to determine whether they yield additional information about canopy turbulence. It appears that a within-canopy bulk Richardson number provides useful information under low-wind nocturnal conditions. Strongly unstable conditions inside dense canopies commonly occur at night when the air layers above the canopy are very stable, resulting in a deeoupling between the above-and within-canopy regions. A local withincanopy Obukhov length proved to be less useful, perhaps because the sensible heat flux within the canopy was nearly always directed upwards, regardless of the temperature gradient. A penetration length scale, defined for daytime conditions only, was of the order of the height of the canopy. This suggests that the height of the canopy is a suitable length scale for within-canopy processes.